"ARROZ A BANDA" volver


its origin

ARROZ A BANDA is a typical dishfrom Dénia, whose origin takes place in fishing boats when fishermen used small, brokenfish with a lot of thorn to make a broth, with a very powerful flavor. With this broth two dishes are made, one of rice and the other "a banda" consisting of fish crumbled and accompanied by ajoaceite (to the taste of each person). This fish, which is called the morralla, consists of rockfish that has a lot of thorn, such as spider, ribbons, snappers, galleys and white crab. It is added ñora, chopped garlic and traditionally it was also added potato (it is an ingredient, which in the current recipe where fish is not served "a banda" can be added to the broth to make it thicker, but you will find recipes where this ingredient is no longer included).

The fishermen suffused octopus or calms, added the fish and then cooked the rice in a cauldron in which they all ate of it.

Today is still maintained, in various restaurants and especially in the "International Rice Week Band" (December) the tradition of making this tasty rice in the traditional way, with its fish served apart or "a banda", hence the name, but, except in that week, it is harder to find because it is less demanded, especially because it is a dish with a higher price than the current recipe (having more fish and requiring more time and dedication in its preparation) and must be ordered beforehand so that they can prepare it. 


The "arroz a banda" that is normally served today is the result of an evolution towards a slightly lighter dish, whose cooking is also simpler, but equally tasty and highly appreciated and that, instead of taking the fish apart, it is incorporated in the rice in small pieces.

Of this rice there is a variety that we can not confuse, the ARROZ DEL SENYORET (del señorito) and is made with fish with little thorn and rice includes peeled shrimp, squid and monkfish. This dish was served to the lords of the house, to their taste so that they did not get their hands dirty when eating.